July 14, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Haiku Challenge

I thought I would do a Haiku Challenge in honor of the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Movie that comes out today. I have been anxiously awaiting this movie along with many others. So I suggest, for those who want to participate, go see the movie, and write a haiku inspired from the movie (or book if you want). I will write one too. I have my tickets to see the movie tomorrow night. Yay!

The haiku format I use is 1st line 5 syllables, 2nd line 7 syllables, and 3rd line 5 syllables. Other than that I don't usually stick to any particular haiku guidelines. Just have fun with it people. Oh yeah, and send your submissions to haikuamy@gmail.com and I will just post them as they come. Remember, this isn't a contest, I don't have any prizes; it's just for fun so have fun y'all!
